Social Assessment Projects
  • Phone: +998-78-150-8887
  • Tashkent, Katta Mirobod str, Blind Alley 2, 2
  • Email:
CATI population survey to identify the transport behavior of the population of the Samarkand region
CATI population survey to identify the transport behavior of the population of the Samarkand region

CATI population survey to identify the transport behavior of the population of the Samarkand region

Baseline Assessment for the Central Asia Regional Network for Women in Energy
Baseline Assessment for the Central Asia Regional Network for Women in Energy

Baseline Assessment for the Central Asia Regional Network for Women in Energy

Central Asia: Capacity Building Program for a Labour Risk Assessment in EBRD financed projects – Phase 1
Central Asia: Capacity Building Program for a Labour Risk Assessment in EBRD financed projects – Phase 1

Central Asia: Capacity Building Program for a Labour Risk Assessment in EBRD financed projects – Phase 1

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