PROJECT TITLE: WB Project - Health System Improvement Project («Health-3») – Resettlement Audit
CLIENT: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan / World Bank
PERIOD: 2016
PROJECT AIM The purpose of this assignment is to: 1) review all medical institutions covered by the reconstruction within the Health-3 project which is already carried out or will be carried out for identification of resettlement cases, except for 2015; 2) prepare resettlement audit covering the period since the beginning of the project implementation up to date, and 3) in case of identification of resettlement as a result of the project activities, develop the plan of remedial measures for resettlement.
-To consider all project plans where reconstruction and\or construction of medical institutions is carried out and which receive the equipment financed by the World Bank to identify potential impact of construction works on involuntary resettlement.
-To visit those project territories where there is potential resettlement impact of the project.
-To determine eligibility criteria and the mechanism for compensation payments (compensation matrix), resettlement actions and the provided compensations, the main and important issues on the claims, the proposed time schedule for completion of activities.
-Studying of the available documentation on designing and construction works.
-Studying of cadastral documents of the project territories, especially in those cases where potential resettlement impact is identified.
-Preparation of the report on determination of the compensation payments required within the World Bank policy (OP 4.12).