Studying the behavior of employees of dealer shops by the Mystery shopping method (300 dealer shops)
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Marketing research “Studying the behavior of employees of dealer shops by the Mystery shopping method (300 dealer shops)”


PERIOD: June - July 2018

PROJECT AIM: studying the behavior of employees of Ucell, Beeline, Uzmobile, UMS, Multibrand dealer shops.

Studying the following aspects:

• Salon exterior;

• Salon interior;

• Operators/Consultants;

• Client service;

• Checking the knowledge of the Consultant/Operator;

• Cost and payment;

• Compliance mechanism;

• Farewell to the client.


While implementing this project, the team of “Mystery Shoppers” of the company visited 300 dealer sale shops of SIM-cards of mobile companies in Uzbekistan. Locations of dealer shops were provided by the project manager in advance. The selection of dealer shops was broken down by the number of key mobile operators (Ucell, Beeline, Uzmobile, UMS, Multibrand). The dealer shops of the main mobile operators were visited in all regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including Tashkent city, large cities and rural centers. The mystery shoppers worked according to a developed legend/made-up story of visiting points of sale.

The visit report was prepared as filled in questionnaires, focused on the objectives of the study. The questionnaires were filled out via special software on the company's tablets. All report results were processed and entered into the SPSS database. The result of “Mystery Shoppers” study was performed as presentation and monitoring results in comparison with the previous visits over the past years within this study.

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