PROJECT TITLE: Rural Infrastructure Development Project (RIDP) - Baseline project monitoring survey
CLIENT: PIU Rural Infrastructure Development of Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction (MoED)/ World Bank
PERIOD: May 2021 - january 2022
PROJECT AIM: Assessment of the relevance of the higher education program and diplomas among employers in Uzbekistan. Conducting a survey among graduates of higher educational institutions and faculties / professors and representatives of the relevant civil society.
-Prepare inception report/work plan for implementing the survey;
-Sampling strategy: Work with the RIDP PIU and World Bank to finalize the sampling strategy for the baseline survey and obtain any necessary permits for the survey;
-Finalize and translate the questionnaires: Translation of the questionnaire from English into Tajik and Russian languages, and programming for a Computer-Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) questionnaire. Before commencing data collection, the firm should also complete a survey handbook for reference by enumerators during data collection. The final questionnaires must be approved by the RIDP PIU and the World Bank before commencing the pilot project;
-Develop a COVID-19 Contingency Plan: Develop a detailed COVID-19 contingency plan to undertake the survey based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the WB on the current risk environment, restrictions, and mitigating/protective measures;
-Pilot the questionnaires to ensure accurate data collection, and share the resulting pilot data for review and clearance by the RIDP PIU and the World Bank team before commencing fieldwork;
-Data collection: implement data collection for the baseline survey using the CAPI system, which consists of two survey instruments. The first instrument is the household survey that will cover an estimated 4192 households. The second instrument is the District Hokimiyat and MCA Executive Committee members survey that will cover approximately 300 MCA Executive Committee members and 42 District Hokimiyat officials;
-Compile datasets: cleaning (using a reproducible process, preferably in Stata syntax) of the resulting dataset for any identified data quality issues that can be addressed
-Produce final baseline project monitoring survey report: finalizing a baseline evaluation report capturing the key results of the survey and to ensure baseline measures are taken for all RIDP results framework indicators of relevance.