PROJECT TITLE: Modernizing Higher Education Project - Survey on relevance of higher education (mid-term)
CLIENT: The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan / World Bank
PERIOD: September 2021 - March 2022
PROJECT AIM: Assessment of the relevance of the higher education program and diplomas among employers in Uzbekistan. Conducting of a survey among graduates of higher educational institutions and faculties / professors and representatives of the relevant civil society.
-A complete database of consumers of higher education services were provided.
-Identifying current and future needs of employers for higher education in undergraduate and graduate specialties.
-Identifying training activities, distribution and placement of personnel with employers, organizations and institutions.
-Assessing satisfaction levels of stakeholders.
-Shortcomings/challenges in the timely conclusion and implementation of mutually beneficial cooperation agreements.
-Identifying employment conditions relationships and responsibilities between students and employers.
-Analyzing the offerings of practical training and professional development at the enterprises and organizations, as well as practical measures. Moreover, identifying practices on job vacancies and alumni fairs to link graduates with employers.
Al Mar was also responsible for the following types of work:
-Designing survey methodology and tools including the representative sample; -Develop plan of actions including timeline for the survey;
-Pre-test/pilot the survey methodology and tools;
-Conduct the survey (2644 CATI interview) and 18 Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) in all regions based on agreed methodology and tools;
-Complete data entry and processing;
-Analyze data and information collected during the survey;
-Prepare analytical report based on the analysis including practical and policy recommendations for the MHSSE, HEIs, and other relevant stakeholders;
-Organize a workshop with the MHSSE, key stakeholders, World Bank representatives and other international organizations, in collaboration with the PMT, to present the main findings.