PROJECT TITLE: Marketing research "Tourism services market in the Republic of Uzbekistan"
CLIENT: “Dolores Tur” LLC – BCD travel franchise
PERIOD: December 2011 - February 2012
PROJECT AIM: The main goal of the study was a comprehensive overview of the tourism market in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The following tasks were set:
Analysis of the global tourism market:
-Main directions of development of the tourism industry in the world;
-Current trends in the development of the world tourism market;
-Peculiarities of the tourism business in crisis;
-Long-term prospects for the development of the tourism industry;
Analysis of the tourism industry in the Republic of Uzbekistan:
-Tour operators;
-Services and logistics for tourists in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
-Analysis of tourist flow trends;
-SWOT analysis of the development of the tourism market of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
-State support for the development of tourism in Uzbekistan.
During the implementation of this project, various methods of data collection were used. Desk research: Consultant used desk research, which makes it possible to obtain more accurate assessment of the market volume of the tourism services. Consultant, when conducting desk research, used the following sources of information: the Internet, articles in the media and specialized journals, statistical data collections, economic data collections and reports as well as existing reports of other research structures.
Field work: As part of a qualitative study, expert interviews were conducted with employees of travel agencies and hotels in the Republic of Uzbekistan. During the field work, two interviewers who have experience in similar projects and skills of psycho-semantic analysis were involved. The supervisor carried out a double quality control of the field work, which included the following: conducting interviews in the presence of the supervisor - 30% of the total; logical control - 100% of questionnaires. The result of the study was performed in an analytical report.