«The market of inter-room doors in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan»
  • Phone: +998-78-150-8887
  • Tashkent, Katta Mirobod str, Blind Alley 2, 2
  • Email: info@almarconsulting.org

PROJECT TITLE: Marketing research «The market of inter-room doors in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan»

CLIENT: JV “Orient Mebel”

PERIOD: 2014


Key objectives of the research:

-studying of the modern market of inter-room doors in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

-the description of main suppliers of acrylic plates taking into account their nomenclature / brands of production (types, types of acrylic plates), sales volumes, and also average cost on inter-room doors;

-definition of market shares of the main producers of inter-room doors;

-studying of the market of inter-room doors distribution;

-studying of the main of inter-room doors consumers.

DESCRIPTION OF ACTUAL SERVICES PROVIDED IN THE ASSIGNMENT Consultant carried out the analysis of secondary data, namely desk researches and the statistical analysis. Collecting primary data, for obtaining more detailed and exact information. When collecting primary data the Consultant used quantitative and qualitative methods of research, namely poll of consumers and expert interviews. The consultant conducted 150 interviews with consumers (population) of inter-room doors in the territory of Tashkent. Consultant also studied the main competitors, producers/suppliers of inter-room doors on the studied territory which production enjoys popularity at consumers in the territory of Tashkent. Selection of the main producers of inter-room doors was selected on a territorial sign and coordinated with the Customer of research. The consultant carried out a number of interview to suppliers of acrylic plates in the territory of Tashkent. Consultants conducted about 80 expert interviews in the territory of Tashkent. Special questionnaire which was provided to customer for approval was developed for carrying out interview.

Consultants delivered analysis of secondary data, namely conduct desk research and statistical analysis. In this course they reviewed the following information sources:

-data of statistical reporting agencies,

-economic digest and reports,

-existing reports of other research agencies,

-mass media: print and media electronic publications,


The second stage of the research is to obtain primary data to get more detailed and precise information. In the process of primary data collection the Consultant used Quantitative research methods, especially in-depth interviews. Total number of interviews was 250. These interviews were conducted with representatives of the enterprises in accordance with the goals and objectives of the research. Analysis of obtained data was processed by data processing method.

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