PROJECT TITLE: Loan #: 2772-UZB; Second CAREC Corridor 2 ROAD INVESTMENT PROGRAM – PROJECT 3, Bukhara - Gazli km 228 -315 – Preparing Land Acquisition & Resettlement Plan (LARP)
CLIENT: SAMBO Engineering Co., Ltd / Asian Development Bank (ADB)
PERIOD: 2014
The Republic of Uzbekistan has applied for a Loan under the proposed CAREC Corridor 2 Road Investment Program II from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Part of the loan proceeds, was applied to payments for the civil works contract (one Package) for Reconstruction of about 87 km of A380 highway in Bukhara provinces.
SAMBO Engineering Co., Ltd was responsible for the design review, construction supervision, and safeguards compliance for the civil works and hired Al Mar Consulting for due diligence work (Land Acquisition & Resettlement Plan, Environment Impact Assessment, Gender Action Plan and Poverty Social Assessment).
-Obtain the detail plan drawings, engineering drawings and other documents required for the Services from PMU;
-Identify impacts of Project and affected populations (Inquiries in cadastral services and reconciliation of total amount of affected people; Inquiries and coordination to the State Architectural and Construction Committee; Inquiries and coordination to the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan and so on);
-Preliminary consultation with officials of local government, community leaders and other representatives of the affected population;
-Mapping (development of the detailed scheme maps);
-Census of affected people by the Project (Development and coordination of forms of population census and the questionnaire for the review; Hiring and training of researchers in region; Supervision of carrying out work in regions, check and quality control; Data processing and carrying out analysis and so on);
-Inventory of Affected Assets (Working out of Project affected peoples (PAP) list according to available policy of providing compensations; Definition of all persons who have project consequences and who should receive compensations; Working out of matrix for the compensation payments, based on losses and so on);
-Carrying out an independent property assessment (Identification of the estimated companies in the project region; Selection on the tender basis of the estimated company for realization of project objectives; Providing the list of affected and involved persons to estimated company and the beginning of works within property assessment; Carrying out property assessment; Analysis and incorporation of evaluation results into the preliminary report and so on);
-Socioeconomic Studies;
-Analysis of Surveys and Studies;
-Consultation with Affected People Concerning Assistance Benefits and Development Opportunities;
-Coordination of results with local governments (Hokimiyat, cadastre);
-Review of comments from ADB/Client side and prepare the answers.