PROJECT TITLE: EBRD Project: Tashkent District Heating Modernization Project - Feasibility study
CLIENT: FCG Design and Engineering Ltd / WSP
PERIOD: 2018
PROJECT AIM Environmental and social assessment.
Baseline assessment. Assist to carry out E&S Assessment and Audit and develop a draft E&S Assessment report in accordance with the Bank’s requirements. Visit the site, to obtain any supplemental information needed to complete the E&S Assessment and carry out the on-site activities necessary to fulfil the E&S Audit. Review the current and, to a limited extent, past operational performance of the involved Companies’ (TTC and TTE ) Key issues to be covered under the E&S Audit include:
-Existing operations. Industrial hygiene (including worker exposure, and rates of industrial diseases) and worker health and safety.
-Use and management of hazardous substances.
-Community health, safety and security as it relates to the Companies’ existing operations (e.g. equipment safety, maintenance, heat generation equipment, etc.).
-Major hazards assessment and management; environmental management plans in the event of an incident, accident of spill both on land;
-Review the current and, to a limited extent, past operational performance of the involved Companies’ (TTC and TTE ) existing operations.
-Review of the Companies’ existing environmental and social management systems, policies and practices; Organisational capacity and resources.
-Human Resources and employment (e.g. child labour, forced labour, non-discrimination and equal opportunity, workers’ organisations, contractor management, retrenchment and employment, talent management, prevention and sanction on harassment) policies and collect data related to the respective numbers of women and men at different levels of the Companies.
-Occupational health and safety (local and national requirements, key health and safety issues, control and major accident hazards, current health and safety monitoring programme, summary of regulatory compliance status, summary of health and safety expenditures, emergency response etc.) and any gender differentiated impacts, concerns and/or priorities.